Cheat Sheets ============ .. role:: python(code) :language: python Below is a list of common things you will likely want to use for querying in the database Querying -------- The table below shows a handful of useful ways to query the database. All querys can be built and expanded on by: ``` qry = session.query() qry = qry.filter() # Continue on chaining filters ``` .. list-table:: Querying :widths: 10 100 1000 :header-rows: 1 * - Technique - Usage - Description * - :python:`==`, :python:`!=`, :python:`>=`, :python:`<=`, :python:`>`, :python:`<` - :python:`qry.filter(SiteData.site_id == '1S20')` - Filter by a conditional to a value * - :python:`.in_()` - :python:`qry.filter([date1, date2]))` - Filter by matching a value in a list * - :python:`.is_()`, :python:`isnot()` - :python:`qry.filter(LayerData.instrument.isnot(None))` - Filter a column that are/are not Null * - :python:`.contains()` - :python:`qry.filter(LayerData.comments).contains('graupel'))` - Filter by finding a substring * - :python:`.distinct()` - :python:`session.query(RasterData.surveyors).distinct()` - Reduce result to unique values * - :python:`.limit()` - :python:`session.query(PointsData).limit(10)` - Limit the number of records returned, useful for testing * - :python:`.count()` - :python:`qry.filter(PointsData).count()` - Count the number of records matching query/filtering Database Tables --------------- The table below shows the SQL table names to Python Object Relational Mapping (ORM) classes with descriptions of data in them .. list-table:: **Database Tables** :widths: 10 20 180 :header-rows: 1 * - SQL Table - snowexsql Class - Description * - :python:`sites` - :py:class:`` - Details describing pit sites * - :python:`points` - :py:class:`` - Data with a single value and single location * - :python:`layers` - :py:class:`` - Data with a single value at a single location with a depth component * - :python:`images` - :py:class:`` - Raster Data Useful `snowexsql` Functions ---------------------------- The table below shows useful tools built with this library .. list-table:: :widths: 10 20 180 :header-rows: 1 * - Function - Usage - Description * - :py:func:`snowexsql.db.get_db` - :python:`eng, sesh = get_db(':@/snowex')` - Get `engine `_ / `session `_ objects to query db * - :py:func:`snowexsql.db.get_table_attributes` - :python:`cols = get_table_attributes(PointData)` - Get table column names * - :py:func:`snowexsql.conversions.query_to_geopandas` - :python:`df = query_to_geopands(qry, engine)` - Convert a query to a geopandas dataframe * - :py:func:`snowexsql.conversions.raster_to_rasterio` - :python:`ds = rasters_to_rasterio(records)` - Convert db result to rasterio datasets Useful PostGIS Tools -------------------- The table below shows useful tools that can be used in python from postgis. These are accessed in two ways. 1. :python:`import sqlalchemy.sql.func as func` 2. :python:`import geoalchemy2.functions as gfunc` .. list-table:: :widths: 10 20 180 :header-rows: 1 * - Function - Usage - Description * - `ST_AsTiff `_ - :python:`session.query(func.ST_AsTiff(ImageData.raster))` - Convert binary to GeoTiff format * - `ST_Union `_ - :python:`session.query(func.Union(ImageData.raster, _type=Raster))` - Merge queried tiles * - `ST_Clip `_ - :python:`session.query(func.ST_Clip(ImageData.raster, shp))` - Clip raster by polygon * - `ST_Intersects `_ - :python:`session.query(func.ST_Intersects(ImageData.raster, shp))` - Get tiles that touch polygon * - `ST_Rescale `_ - :python:`session.query(func.ST_Rescale(ImageData.raster, res, res)` - Rescale raster * - `ST_Hillshade `_ - :python:`session.query(func.ST_Hillshade(ImageData.raster))` - Get a hillshade of raster * - `ST_Envelope `_ - :python:`session.query(func.ST_Envelope(ImageData.raster))` - Get geometry outline of raster * - `ST_Centroid `_ - :python:`session.query(func.ST_Envelope(ImageData.raster))` - Get centroid of a polygon/points * - `ST_Within `_ - :python:`session.query(func.ST_Within(SiteData.geom, shp))` - Get data within polygon * - `ST_Distance `_ - :python:`session.query(func.ST_Distance(PointData.geom, shp))` - Get distances between points Common Issues ------------- Useful tools for debugging .. list-table:: **Debugging Tools** :widths: 20 180 :header-rows: 1 * - `session.rollback()` - Rolls back the last query, useful for querys that fail after execution. * - `session.close()` - Closes your connection with the DB. Useful when using jupyter notebooks