Welcome to the API!#

Goal: Easy programmatic access to the database with no user SQL


  • This is not a REST API, more of an SDK

  • Current access is for point and layer data

  • Funtions return lists or Geopandas Dataframes

Step 1. Import the classes, explore them#

# imports
from datetime import date
import geopandas as gpd
from snowexsql.api import PointMeasurements, LayerMeasurements
# The main functions we will use are `from_area` and `from_filter` like this
df = PointMeasurements.from_filter(
    date=date(2020, 5, 28), instrument='camera'
site_name date time_created time_updated id doi date_accessed instrument type units ... northing easting elevation utm_zone geom time site_id version_number equipment value
0 Grand Mesa 2020-05-28 2022-06-30 22:58:59.800562+00:00 None 42443 None 2022-06-30 camera depth cm ... 4.321444e+06 743766.479497 None 12 POINT (743766.479 4321444.155) 18:00:00+00:00 None None camera id = W1B -2.99924
1 Grand Mesa 2020-05-28 2022-06-30 22:58:59.800562+00:00 None 42444 None 2022-06-30 camera depth cm ... 4.321444e+06 743766.479497 None 12 POINT (743766.479 4321444.155) 19:00:00+00:00 None None camera id = W1B 1.50148
2 Grand Mesa 2020-05-28 2022-06-30 22:58:59.800562+00:00 None 43187 None 2022-06-30 camera depth cm ... 4.331951e+06 249164.808618 None 13 POINT (249164.809 4331951.003) 18:00:00+00:00 None None camera id = E9B -1.15255
3 Grand Mesa 2020-05-28 2022-06-30 22:58:59.800562+00:00 None 43188 None 2022-06-30 camera depth cm ... 4.331951e+06 249164.808618 None 13 POINT (249164.809 4331951.003) 19:00:00+00:00 None None camera id = E9B 1.16381
4 Grand Mesa 2020-05-28 2022-06-30 22:58:59.800562+00:00 None 43189 None 2022-06-30 camera depth cm ... 4.331951e+06 249164.808618 None 13 POINT (249164.809 4331951.003) 20:00:00+00:00 None None camera id = E9B -2.31073

5 rows × 23 columns


  • We did not need to manage SQL

  • We got a geopandas array

  • We filtered on specific attributes known to be in the database

How do I know what to filter by?#

# Find what you can filter by
['site_name', 'site_id', 'date', 'instrument', 'observers', 'type', 'utm_zone']
['site_name', 'site_id', 'date', 'instrument', 'observers', 'type', 'utm_zone', 'pit_id']

How do I know what values work for filtering?#

[('Catherine Breen, Cassie Lumbrazo',), (None,), ('Ryan Webb',), ('Randall Bonnell',), ('Tate Meehan',)]

Try it out#

  • What instrument could you filter by for PointData?

  • What site names could you filter by for LayerData?

Notice we instantiate the class PointMeasurements() Before calling the property .all_observers

# Explore the points
df.to_crs("EPSG:4326").loc[:,["id", "value", "type", "geom", "instrument"]].explore()
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

What if I have a point or a shapefile#

Both the PointMeasurement and LayerMeasurement class have a function called from_area that takes either a shapely polygon or a shapely point and a radius as well as the same filter kwargs available in .from_filter

# Set up a fake shapefile
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
        [743766.4794971556], [4321444.154620216], crs="epsg:26912"

# This is the area we will filter to
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
# Get density near the point
df = LayerMeasurements.from_area(

df.to_crs("EPSG:4326").loc[:,["id", "depth", "value", "type", "geom"]].explore()
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

How much filtering is enough?#

I got a LargeQueryCheckException


# Th queries will pass
df = PointMeasurements.from_filter(

site_name date time_created time_updated id doi date_accessed instrument type units ... northing easting elevation utm_zone geom time site_id version_number equipment value
0 Grand Mesa 2020-01-29 2022-06-30 22:56:52.635035+00:00 None 8713 https://doi.org/10.5067/9IA978JIACAR 2022-06-30 magnaprobe depth cm ... 4.322865e+06 741881.102466 3037.8 12 POINT (741881.102 4322865.037) 14:56:00+00:00 None 1 CRREL_C 85.0
1 Grand Mesa 2020-01-29 2022-06-30 22:56:52.635035+00:00 None 8714 https://doi.org/10.5067/9IA978JIACAR 2022-06-30 magnaprobe depth cm ... 4.322859e+06 741878.675380 3038.0 12 POINT (741878.675 4322859.408) 14:57:00+00:00 None 1 CRREL_C 72.0
2 Grand Mesa 2020-01-29 2022-06-30 22:56:52.635035+00:00 None 8715 https://doi.org/10.5067/9IA978JIACAR 2022-06-30 magnaprobe depth cm ... 4.322855e+06 741877.080058 3037.1 12 POINT (741877.080 4322854.914) 14:57:00+00:00 None 1 CRREL_C 84.0
3 Grand Mesa 2020-01-29 2022-06-30 22:56:52.635035+00:00 None 8716 https://doi.org/10.5067/9IA978JIACAR 2022-06-30 magnaprobe depth cm ... 4.322850e+06 741875.484733 3035.5 12 POINT (741875.485 4322850.421) 14:57:00+00:00 None 1 CRREL_C 84.0
4 Grand Mesa 2020-01-29 2022-06-30 22:56:52.635035+00:00 None 8717 https://doi.org/10.5067/9IA978JIACAR 2022-06-30 magnaprobe depth cm ... 4.322845e+06 741873.923512 3034.6 12 POINT (741873.924 4322844.818) 14:57:00+00:00 None 1 CRREL_C 78.0

5 rows × 23 columns


If you need more than 1000 points returned, you can specify so with the limit

The intention is to be aware of how much data will be returned

# If you need more than 1000 points returned, you can specify so with the limit
df = PointMeasurements.from_filter(
    date=date(2020, 1, 28),
site_name date time_created time_updated id doi date_accessed instrument type units ... northing easting elevation utm_zone geom time site_id version_number equipment value
0 Grand Mesa 2020-01-28 2022-06-30 22:56:52.635035+00:00 None 4663 https://doi.org/10.5067/9IA978JIACAR 2022-06-30 magnaprobe depth cm ... 4.323938e+06 747760.127417 3143.9 12 POINT (747760.127 4323937.874) 20:22:00+00:00 None 1 CRREL_B 64.0
1 Grand Mesa 2020-01-28 2022-06-30 22:56:52.635035+00:00 None 4102 https://doi.org/10.5067/9IA978JIACAR 2022-06-30 magnaprobe depth cm ... 4.324060e+06 747975.533229 3151.8 12 POINT (747975.533 4324060.214) 18:48:00+00:00 None 1 CRREL_B 106.0
2 Grand Mesa 2020-01-28 2022-06-30 22:56:52.635035+00:00 None 4103 https://doi.org/10.5067/9IA978JIACAR 2022-06-30 magnaprobe depth cm ... 4.324058e+06 747973.005869 3153.8 12 POINT (747973.006 4324057.912) 18:48:00+00:00 None 1 CRREL_B 110.0
3 Grand Mesa 2020-01-28 2022-06-30 22:56:52.635035+00:00 None 4104 https://doi.org/10.5067/9IA978JIACAR 2022-06-30 magnaprobe depth cm ... 4.324057e+06 747973.040848 3153.5 12 POINT (747973.041 4324056.802) 18:48:00+00:00 None 1 CRREL_B 106.0
4 Grand Mesa 2020-01-28 2022-06-30 22:56:52.635035+00:00 None 4105 https://doi.org/10.5067/9IA978JIACAR 2022-06-30 magnaprobe depth cm ... 4.324055e+06 747972.245032 3154.0 12 POINT (747972.245 4324054.555) 18:48:00+00:00 None 1 CRREL_B 107.0

5 rows × 23 columns


Go forth and explore#