Comparing SSA Instruments

Goal: Find colocated SSA measurements with more than one instrument and compare by plotting, this is replicating the plot found in the meta.pdf that came with the data


  1. Find all sites with SSA data

  2. Isolate the sites with multiple SSA instruments

  3. Plot each site with all its instruments we found


Step 1: Find all the Sites that have SSA Data

from snowexsql.db import get_db
from import LayerData, PointData
from snowexsql.conversions import points_to_geopandas, query_to_geopandas

import geoalchemy2.functions as gfunc
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

# Connect to the database
db_name = ''

engine, session = get_db(db_name, credentials='./credentials.json')

# Grab all the equivalent diameter profiles
qry = session.query(LayerData).filter(LayerData.type == 'specific_surface_area')

df = query_to_geopandas(qry, engine)

# End our database session to avoid hanging transactions

# Grab all the sites with equivalent diameter data (set reduces a list to only its unique entries)
sites = df['site_id'].unique()

Step 2: Isolate all the Sites with Multiple SSA Instruments

# Store all site names that have mulitple SSA instruments
multi_instr_sites = []
instruments = []

for site in sites:

    # Grab all the layers associated to this site
    site_data = df.loc[df['site_id'] == site]

    # Do a set on all the instruments used here
    instruments_used = site_data['instrument'].unique()

    if len(instruments_used) > 1:

# Get a unqique list of SSA instruments that were colocated
instruments = df['instrument'].unique()

Step 3: Plot all SSA profiles at all Multi-Instrumented Sites

# Setup the subplot for each site for each instrument
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, len(multi_instr_sites), figsize=(4*len(multi_instr_sites), 8))

# Establish plot colors unique to the instrument
c = ['k', 'm', 'c']
colors = {inst:c[i] for i,inst in enumerate(instruments)}

# Loop over all the multi-instrument sites
for i, site in enumerate(multi_instr_sites):

    # Grab the plot for this site
    ax = axes[i]

    # Loop over all the instruments at this site
    for instr in instruments:

        # Grab our profile by site and instrument
        ind = df['site_id'] == site
        ind2 = df['instrument'] == instr
        profile = df.loc[ind & ind2].copy()

        # Don't plot it unless there is data
        if len(profile.index) > 0:

            # Sort by depth so samples that are take out of order won't mess up the plot
            profile = profile.sort_values(by='depth')

            # Layer profiles are always stored as strings.
            profile['value'] = profile['value'].astype(float)

            # Plot our profile
            ax.plot(profile['value'], profile['depth'], colors[instr], label=instr)

    # Labeling and plot style choices
    ax.set_xlabel('SSA [kg/m^2]')
    ax.set_ylabel('Depth [cm]')
    ax.set_title('Site {}'.format(site.upper()))

    # Set the x limits to show more detail
    ax.set_xlim((8, 75))
