What’s in the Database?#
Below is a simple count of what is in the database.
# Import all the python db table reflections
from snowexsql.data import SiteData, PointData, LayerData, ImageData
# Import the function to get access
from snowexsql.db import get_db
def get_all_distinct(attribute):
Function to count all the unique & valid entries of a column
in a table.
final = {}
final['Total'] = 0
# Loop over all the tables
tables = [PointData, LayerData, ImageData]
for tbl_cls in tables:
# Grab the column from the table class
obj_att = getattr(tbl_cls, attribute)
# Count all the distinct and non-None values
result = session.query(obj_att).filter(obj_att != None).distinct().count()
# Save the result and keep track of the total
final[tbl_cls.__name__] = result
final['Total'] += result
return final
def print_result(count_dict):
Simple function to print out the counts nicely
print('\nDB Table Breakdown:')
for k in ['PointData', 'LayerData', 'ImageData']:
print(f'\t* {k} = {count_dict[k]}')
# Get connection to the DB
db_name = 'db.snowexdata.org/snowex'
engine, session = get_db(db_name, credentials='./credentials.json')
dois = get_all_distinct('doi')
print(f'Published Datasets: {dois["Total"]}')
Published Datasets: 6
DB Table Breakdown:
* PointData = 2
* LayerData = 2
* ImageData = 2
data_types = get_all_distinct('type')
print(f'Unique Data types: {data_types["Total"]}')
Unique Data types: 19
DB Table Breakdown:
* PointData = 3
* LayerData = 9
* ImageData = 7
instruments = get_all_distinct('instrument')
print(f'Unique Instruments: {instruments["Total"]}')
Unique Instruments: 8
DB Table Breakdown:
* PointData = 5
* LayerData = 1
* ImageData = 2
pits = session.query(SiteData.site_id, SiteData.date).distinct().count()
print(f'Unique Pits: {pits}')
Unique Pits: 155