
Version 0.5.0#

  • Brought in by PR [#98](SnowEx/snowexsql#98)

  • Improvements made to retrieving single value queries.

  • Added in from_unique_entries to find unique options given a query

  • Added in more support around rasters.

  • Added in RasterMeasurements.all_descriptions to get unique descriptions

  • Added in checking for whether a raster query would generate data from more than one unique dataset

  • Added support for Geopandas > 1.0

Version 0.4.0#

0.3.0 (2022-07-6)#

  • New columns were added to the LayerData table for flags

  • Converted surveyors to observers

  • Changed utm zone to be an integer

0.2.0 Repo Split (2022-06-20)#

  • Repo was split into an access client and a db builder to reduce overhead

  • snowexsql is now an access client and python tools to make life easy

  • snowex_db is now a repo containing all necessary assets to build db.

Hackweek 2021 (2021-07-15)#

  • Fully deployed database with around 100 users

  • Uploaded with fully reproducible DB using SnowEx Data for Grand Mesa 2020

  • Timezones all in Mountain Standard

0.1.0 (2020-06-12)#

  • Project Created.