Source code for snowexsql.db

This module contains tool used directly regarding the database. This includes
getting a session, initializing the database, getting table attributes, etc.

import json
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

from .data import Base

[docs]def initialize(engine): """ Creates the original database from scratch, currently only for point data """ meta = Base.metadata meta.drop_all(bind=engine) meta.create_all(bind=engine)
[docs]def get_db(db_str, credentials=None, return_metadata=False): """ Returns the DB engine, MetaData, and session object Args: db_str: Just the name of the database credentials: Path to a json file containing username and password for the database return_metadata: Boolean indicating whether the metadata object is being returned, useful only for developers Returns: tuple: **engine** - sqlalchemy Engine object for directly sending querys to the DB **session** - sqlalchemy Session Object for using object relational mapping (ORM) **metadata** (optional) - sqlalchemy MetaData object for modifying the database """ # This library requires a postgres dialect and the psycopg2 driver prefix = f'postgresql+psycopg2://' if credentials is not None: # Read in the credentials with open(credentials) as fp: creds = json.load(fp) username = creds['username'] password = creds['password'] db = f"{prefix}{username}:{password}@{db_str}" else: db = f"{prefix}{db_str}" # Always create a Session in UTC time engine = create_engine( db, echo=False, connect_args={ "options": "-c timezone=UTC"}) Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) metadata = MetaData(bind=engine) session = Session(expire_on_commit=False) if return_metadata: result = (engine, session, metadata) else: result = (engine, session) return result
[docs]def get_table_attributes(DataCls): """ Returns a list of all the table columns to be used for each entry """ valid_attributes = [att for att in dir(DataCls) if att[0] != '_'] # Drop ID as it is (should) never provided valid_attributes = [v for v in valid_attributes if v != 'id'] return valid_attributes