Source code for snowexsql.functions

This module holds all PostGIS functions that have not been mapped yet for use
with ORM. Many function already exist in GeoAlchemy.functions module
import geoalchemy2.functions as gfunc
from geoalchemy2.types import CompositeType, Geometry, Raster
from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql
from sqlalchemy.types import Float, Integer

[docs]class ST_PixelAsPoint(gfunc.GenericFunction): name = 'ST_PixelAsPoint' type = Geometry
[docs]class ST_PixelAsPoints(gfunc.GenericFunction): name = 'ST_PixelAsPoints' type = CompositeType typemap = { 'x': postgresql.ARRAY(Integer), 'y': postgresql.ARRAY(Integer), 'val': postgresql.ARRAY(Float), 'geom': postgresql.ARRAY(Geometry)}
[docs]class ST_RasterToWorldCoord(gfunc.GenericFunction): name = 'ST_RasterToWorldCoord' type = Geometry
#typemap = {'geom':Geometry, 'val':float, }
[docs]class ST_Clip(gfunc.GenericFunction): name = 'ST_Clip' type = Raster
[docs]class ST_Count(gfunc.GenericFunction): name = 'ST_Count' type = Integer