Find A Raster Tile

Goal: Find the raster tile your pit falls in.

Approach: 1. Grab the pit location from the a pit layer in the database 2. Perform an intersect on all raster tiles with the pit location 3. Plot

Step 1. Grab the pit location from the layer data

from snowexsql.db import get_db
from import ImageData, LayerData
from rasterio.plot import show
from sqlalchemy.sql import func
import geoalchemy2.functions as gfunc
from geoalchemy2.shape import to_shape
from rasterio import MemoryFile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import geopandas as gpd
from snowexsql.conversions import raster_to_rasterio

# PIT Site Identifier
site_id = '5S31'

# Connect to the database we made.
db_name = ''
engine, session = get_db(db_name, credentials='./credentials.json')

# Grab our pit layers by site id
q = session.query(LayerData).filter(LayerData.site_id == site_id)
layers = q.all()

# Grab the pit location from a single layerdata entry
p = layers[0].geom
p_shp = to_shape(p)

Step 2. Perform an intersect on all raster tiles with the pit location

# Grab the raster as a tile that intersects with our pit and convert it to a geotiff
print('Grabbing rasters that overlap on the point {}'.format(p_shp))

# Grab the returned raster as a tiff
q = session.query(func.ST_AsTiff(ImageData.raster)).filter(ImageData.observers=='ASO Inc.')
q = q.filter(ImageData.type=='depth')

# Filter rasters by where a tile intersects wihtour pit location
rasters = q.filter(gfunc.ST_Intersects(ImageData.raster, p)).all()

# Convert it to a rasterio dataset for easy plotting
dataset = raster_to_rasterio(session, rasters)[0]

Grabbing rasters that overlap on the point POINT (745458 4322762)

Step 3. Plot it up!

fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))

# Plot the rasterio dataset
tile =
show(tile, ax=ax, transform=dataset.transform, cmap='winter', vmin=0, vmax=1.2)

# Add to our plot the pit location
gpd.GeoSeries(p_shp).plot(ax=ax, color='m', edgecolor='black', markersize=200,  marker='^', label="Site {}".format(site_id))

# Add some labeling
ax.ticklabel_format(style='plain', useOffset=False)
ax.set_xlabel('Easting [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('Northing [m]')
ax.set_title('Pit {} and Corresponding ASO Snow Depth Tile'.format(site_id))
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f8af10157f0>
# Close the session to avoid hanging transactions
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