Cheat Sheets#
Below is a list of common things you will likely want to use for querying in the database
The table below shows a handful of useful ways to query the database.
All querys can be built and expanded on by:
qry = session.query(<TABLE>)
qry = qry.filter(<CONDITION>)
# Continue on chaining filters
Technique |
Usage |
Description |
Filter by a conditional to a value |
Filter by matching a value in a list |
Filter a column that are/are not Null |
Filter by finding a substring |
Reduce result to unique values |
Limit the number of records returned, useful for testing |
Count the number of records matching query/filtering |
Database Tables#
The table below shows the SQL table names to Python Object Relational Mapping (ORM) classes with descriptions of data in them
SQL Table |
snowexsql Class |
Description |
Details describing pit sites |
Data with a single value and single location |
Data with a single value at a single location with a depth component |
Raster Data |
Useful snowexsql Functions#
The table below shows useful tools built with this library
Function |
Usage |
Description |
Get table column names |
Convert a query to a geopandas dataframe |
Convert db result to rasterio datasets |
Useful PostGIS Tools#
The table below shows useful tools that can be used in python from postgis. These are accessed in two ways.
import sqlalchemy.sql.func as func
import geoalchemy2.functions as gfunc
Function |
Usage |
Description |
Convert binary to GeoTiff format |
Merge queried tiles |
Clip raster by polygon |
Get tiles that touch polygon |
Rescale raster |
Get a hillshade of raster |
Get geometry outline of raster |
Get centroid of a polygon/points |
Get data within polygon |
Get distances between points |
Common Issues#
Useful tools for debugging
session.rollback() |
Rolls back the last query, useful for querys that fail after execution. |
session.close() |
Closes your connection with the DB. Useful when using jupyter notebooks |