Database Structure

Database Structure#

The data base is formed of 4 tables that end users will query.

  • points: Contains all data that has a single value with a single coordinate pair (e.g. snow depths).

  • layers: Contains all data that has a depth component associated to a single coordinate pair (e.g. density profiles).

  • images: Contains all rasters and any query for a raster tile should be done here.

  • sites: Contains all the pit site details.

There are other tables available, but they are auto-generated to support the 4 tables above. These other tables are:

  • geography_columns

  • geometry_columns

  • spatial_ref_sys

  • raster_columns

  • raster_overviews

Points Table#

The points table contains any data that can be described by a single coordinate pair and a single value.

Examples of this type of data includes:
  • snow depths


  • GPR two way travel

  • GPR Depth

This table is mapped to python with

At a minimum an single entry in python would be similar to the following:

PointData(value=52, easting= 758635.01, northing=4325308.56, type='depth')

This table has the following columns:

  • date - Date data was collected

  • easting - UTM projected coordinate in the east direction in meters

  • elevation - Elevation at the site or acquisition in meters

  • equipment - String indentifying more info about the instruments used

  • geom - GIS software friendly version of the coordinates of where the data was collected in UTM.

  • id - Unique identifier that is automatically assigned when uploaded

  • instrument - Name of the instrument used to collect the data

  • latitude - Geographic northing coordinate of the acquisition location in degrees

  • longitude - Geographic westing coordinate of the acquisition location in degrees

  • northing - Northing coordinate projected in UTM in meters

  • site_id - Unique identifier to pit location

  • site_name - Name describing the general survey area ( e.g. Grand Mesa)

  • observers - Name of the people who acquired the data

  • time - Time (MST) that the data was collected

  • time_updated - Time this entry was last modified

  • type - Name of the data collected

  • units - Units of the data collected

  • utm_zone

  • value - Value of the data collected

  • version_number

Layers Table#

The layers table contains all data that can be described by a single coordinate pair, a depth in the snowpack, and a single value. This means that a single entry in the Layers table is a single layer from a vertical profile.

Examples of this data include:
  • density profiles

  • SMP

  • SSA

  • temperature

  • Hand hardness

This table is mapped to python with

At a minimum an single entry would be similar to the following:

LayerData(value='300', depth=30, easting= 758635.01, northing=4325308.56, type='density')

NOTE: All values in this table are stored as strings to accommodate a wide range of data.

This table contains the following columns:

  • bottom_depth

  • comments

  • date - Date data was collected

  • depth - Depth in centimeters in the snowpack that the data was collected

  • easting - UTM projected coordinate in the east direction in meters

  • elevation - Elevation at the site or acquisition in meters

  • flags - data that was flagged typically just pits

  • geom - GIS software friendly version of the coordinates of where the data was collected in UTM.

  • id - Unique identifier that is automatically assigned when uploaded

  • instrument - Name of the instrument used to collect the data

  • latitude - Geographic northing coordinate of the acquisition location in degrees

  • longitude - Geographic westing coordinate of the acquisition location in degrees

  • northing - Northing coordinate projected in UTM in meters

  • sample_a - 1 of potentially three samples that could have been taken for this measurement, e.g. density

  • sample_b - 1 of potentially three samples that could have been taken for this measurement, e.g. density

  • sample_c - 1 of potentially three samples that could have been taken for this measurement, e.g. density

  • site_id - Unique identifier to pit location

  • site_name - Name describing the general survey area ( e.g. Grand Mesa)

  • observers - Names of the people performing the acquisition

  • time - Time (MST) at the beginning of acquisition

  • time_created - Time this entry was uploaded

  • time_updated - Time this entry was last modified

  • type - Name of the data collected

  • units - Units of the data collected

  • utm_zone - UTM Zone

  • value - Value of the data collected

Images Table#

The images table contains all rasters. Its not called rasters because the tables named raster are reserved keywords for postgis.

Examples of this include:
  • DEMS

  • UAVSAR products

  • Lidar acquisitions

This table is mapped to python with

At a minimum an single entry in python would be similar to the following:

ImageData(raster=<RasterElement>, type='depth')

This table contains the following columns:

  • date - Date data was collected

  • description - Any notes to add

  • id - Unique identifier that is automatically assigned when uploaded

  • instrument - Name of the instrument used to collect the data

  • raster - Raster data in Well Known Binary Format (WKB) best generated using raster2psql in the command line

  • site_id - Unique identifier to pit location

  • site_name - Name describing the general survey area ( e.g. Grand Mesa)

  • observers - Names of the people or organization that acquired the data

  • time_created - Time this entry was uploaded

  • time_updated - Time this entry was last modified

  • type - Name of the data collected

  • units - Units of the data collected

Sites Table#

The sites table contains all the details regarding pit site details. This table is formed exclusively from the SiteDetails.csv files that were provided with stratigraphy.csv and density.csv files.

This table is mapped to python with This table has a lot of columns. They are:

  • air_temp - Air temperature in degrees C at time of digging the pit

  • aspect - Slope Aspect in degrees from north

  • date - Date data was collected

  • easting - UTM projected coordinate in the east direction in meters

  • elevation - Elevation at the site or acquisition in meters

  • geom - GIS software friendly version of the coordinates of where the data was collected in UTM.

  • ground_condition - Description of the surface below snow

  • ground_roughness - A description of how rough the surface below the snow is

  • ground_vegetation - Description of the vegetation below snow

  • id - Unique identifier that is automatically assigned when uploaded

  • latitude - Geographic northing coordinate of the acquisition location in degrees

  • longitude - Geographic westing coordinate of the acquisition location in degrees

  • northing - Northing coordinate projected in UTM in meters

  • precip - Description of the precip during pit digging

  • site_id - Unique identifier to pit location

  • site_name - Name describing the general survey area ( e.g. Grand Mesa)

  • site_notes - Any special site specific notes

  • sky_cover - Description of the cloud cover

  • slope_angle - Angle of the slope in degrees

  • time - Time (MST) acquisition began

  • time_created - Time this entry was uploaded

  • time_updated - Time this entry was last modified

  • total_depth - Snow depth at location in centimeters

  • tree_canopy - Description of the tree canopy at location

  • utm_zone - UTM zone

  • vegetation_height - Estimated vegetation height

  • weather_description - Brief description of the weather during acquisition

  • wind - Description of the wind during acquisition