Plot SWE From Pits#
Goal: Calculate SWE from the Density Profiles and plot them
Grab All the site ids and dates associated to all the density data
Calculate SWE for each layer and sum them up
plot it!
Step 1. Grab all Density profiles and Calculate SWE#
from import LayerData
from snowexsql.db import get_db
from snowexsql.conversions import query_to_geopandas
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from geoalchemy2.shape import to_shape
import pandas as pd
# Connect to the database we made.
db_name = ''
engine, session = get_db(db_name, credentials='./credentials.json')
q = session.query(LayerData).filter(LayerData.type == 'density')
df = query_to_geopandas(q, engine)
# Convert density to float
df['value'] = df['value'].astype(float)
# Calculate SWE
swe_lambda = lambda row: row['value'] * (row['depth'] - row['bottom_depth']) / 100
df['swe'] = df.apply(swe_lambda, axis=1)
Step 2. Prepare SWE as point data#
# Prepare the data to be a single point by summing the SWE by site and date
point_swe = gpd.GeoDataFrame(columns=['date', 'swe', 'geometry'])
sites = df['site_id'].unique().tolist()
# Loop over data by site and date
for site in sites:
ind1 = df['site_id'] == site
dates = df['date'][ind1].unique().tolist()
for date in dates:
# Grab all density at this site and date
ind2= df['date'] == date
profile = df[ind1 & ind2]
# Check if there is data on this date/site
if len(profile.index) > 0:
# sum the swe column and assign data to a dictionary
data = {'swe': profile['swe'].sum(), 'geometry': profile['geom'].iloc[0], 'date': date}
# Add the data to a dataframe
point_swe = point_swe.append(data, ignore_index=True)
Step 3. Plot the SWE as points coloring by mass#
# Build a singl plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))
# Colorbar keyword arguments
kwds = {'label': "Snow Water Equivalence [mm]", 'orientation': "horizontal"}
# Plot it all up as a scatter using SWE as the color
ax = point_swe.plot(ax=ax, column='swe', cmap='cool', markersize=100, legend=True, edgecolor='k',legend_kwds=kwds)
# Set some style/ labeling choices
ax.ticklabel_format(style='plain', useOffset=False)
ax.set_xlabel('Easting [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('Northing [m]')
title = 'Grand Mesa Pit SWE\n{} - {}'.format(point_swe['date'].min(), point_swe['date'].max())
ax.set_title(title, fontsize=16)
# Close the session to avoid hanging transactions